As we enter into a new model of sustainable business, Sacred Reciprocity becomes a Core Focus and Practice through which to align our Mission Statement. What are we directing our focus, money and energy towards? How will this sustain ourselves, our family, our community and our environment as an interconnected whole?
We find ourselves in a time of great uncertainty as all the security systems we have identified with destabilise around us. How do we tend to our Business within this time of change? By understanding that we are in the midst of shifting philosophies; moving from an Ego-centric economy into that of an Eco-centric ecology, creates the need to transition from one form into another.
Sovereignty embodies within the Wisdom of Awareness through the Indigo Dreaming. Knowledge is Claimed, Wisdom is Charged, the Third-Eye Awakens, Seeing Clearly. The Sovereign establishes clear Boundaries throughout Her Living Field in which SHe is in Charge of Her Vital Connection.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse (Sun 21 June @4:41pm) aligns with Winter Solstice where we experience the longest night of the year, here in the Southern hemisphere. We are deeply within the Underworld at present, Journeying with Goddess Innana, being stripped bare of all identities we thought we were.
The sun and the moon are our most influential heavenly bodies and all life on earth is reliant on the sun and moon for our basis of life. The suns light gives life and influences our biorhythms of wakefulness and activity, and the reflected light of the sun from the moon governs our rest and dreaming states.
The Yoni Matrix is a Map of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Cycles of the Womb within our New Paradigm of Gaia Consciousness. If you are born within a female body with breasts, a womb, vagina, cervix, uterus and ovaries, you will experience an evolution of your feminine body through the embodiment of your endocrine system affected by the state of your womb.